The epoxy resin is applied to the inside of the pipes with the electrostatic procedure. The Internal Fbe Coated Pipe then gets added with an outer layer that protects the epoxy resin from falling off or coming in contact with the ingredients of the pipe. The internal fbe coating procedure therefore is a dual layer application procedure. It is resistant against petroleum products, acids and chemicals. Onshore and offshore oil drilling pipes, chemical processing plants and food processing applications all used the internal fbe coating on pipes. Different material grades of pipes use different materials for the internal coating. The coating is expensive but it protects the pipes against corrosion and improves the pipe’s lifespan. Please contact us for more information on the internal fbe coated pipes and their pricing.
internal fbe pipe coating is one type of fusion bonded epoxy resin coating. The epoxy resin is used as a coating material for its corrosion resistant properties. The material is used along with adhesive materials or with UV proof additional layers. The internal fbe pipe coating is applied on pipes that are ½ inches to 80 inches in diameter. An electrostatic procedure is used to apply the coating inside the pipes.